Television Time is one of my favorite single-purpose apps on iOS, so I’m always looking forward to updates and new features. The app got a notable point release last week, and I was of course looking on with great interest. Version numbers are a trick and arbitrary thing, so I wasn’t sure whether to expect a big update with a bunch of new features or if this would be a “bug fixes” update that’s not worth talking about.

As with most things in life, this release feel in between those extremes, and is an update focused on making the app a little more polished, a little more powerful, and a little more universal. It’s not an update that will CHANGE THE WAY YOU WATCH TELEVISION, but it’s an update worth talking about for a few minutes, and is definitely worth your $2.99 if you are in the market for a better way to keep track of your TV shows.

Let’s look at 5 things that have changed in this update.

1. Update look and feel (literally)

I’ve long given Television Time credit for being the best damn looking app out there for tracking your TV shows. It has long had a refined user interface, and this version is an iPhone 7-esque evolution of that design.

The most obvious addition is a light theme, for those who don’t love the dark UI Television Time has always had. I personally like dark interfaces, so I’m not using the new theme, but I think it will make a lot of people happy.

What I do personally love is the addition of tasteful haptic feedback throughout the UI (for iPhone 7 users, only). I can’t fully explain why, but it’s somehow more satisfying to mark a show as watched when the phone gives you a little kick as if to say “good for you.” I personally hear “now go outside and do something productive” right after that, but maybe that’s just me.

Finally, the Today widget got a revamped look that is really sharp in iOS 10, and the iPad layout has been tweaked a bit to take better advantage of the space.

2. watchOS 3 support for the Watch app

I appreciate any time a developer puts work into their watchOS app, and I’m very happy to see Television Time get updated for watchOS 3.

The new complications are nice to have, although I don’t use them on all my watch faces. It’s nothing against the app, I just have limited space on my watch face and a constant marker of when my next TV show is on.

That said, the watch app itself is much better than it was previously, as it is very fast and easy to use. Additionally, the notifications a few minutes before a show starts are always helpful, and allow you to mark each show as watched right on the spot so you never need to remember to go back in the app later and mark off the shows you watched.

3. New “To Watch” widget

Television Time has long had a widget for seeing what your upcoming shows are, but now there is a second option for displaying shows that have already aired and you have not watched.

4. iMessage app

All the cool kids are making iMessage apps these days, and Television Time joins the club with a basic app that lets you share art and the schedule for a show you watch. It’s basic, and I’d love to see some way to add links to specific episodes from the iMessage app, which would be useful in a “you need to see this episode!” way.

5. Anticipated section in the “Discover” page

I like a decent number of shows, but I don’t pay attention to industry news or see many new show trailers, so I never know what new shows are generating buzz. The new “Anticipated” tab in Television Time has been a good way for me to get a pulse on what shows people are getting excited about. I’m not sure how shows are added to this list, but I’ve gotten some good recommendations in there.

Television Time 1.3 is a free update for current users, so there's no reason not to update (you probably already have anyway). If you have not jumped on board yet, Television Time is $2.99 on the App Store.