
I Can't Have it All! (or Why My Podcast is Taking a Break)

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

You know that feeling when you just know that you're onto something big? That feeling when you know that you can accomplish something you didn't think you ever could before? That's where I am right now and I'm psyched!

The above picture is of my desk-side White board, and the dates are milestones on my development time line. Those are ambitious goals, and they're critically important for me to hit if I'm going to be successful in this new endeavor. I woke up today, on my day off of work, excited about continuing work on this project; but I couldn't. All I wanted to do was work on my upcoming iPhone app, but I couldn't because I had to write an outline record my show, record it, edit, and create show notes. Podcasts don't just make themselves, even when you're doing a solo show that's only 15 minutes long.

So that's why I'm putting Birch Bark on hold for a little bit. If I'm inspired, I may record an episode, but I wouldn't count on it. I have to put my energy into what is going to give me the most return on my time investment, and that means my little podcast has to go. The show isn't cancelled, but I wouldn't expect to see it back on a regular schedule until April.

Thanks to everyone who listens, and I hope you continue to read the site in the meantime!