
BirchTree Year in Review

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

2014 was the biggest year I've ever had for BirchTree. Here's some raw numbers:

  • 349 blog posts since January 1
  • ~27,000 unique visitors, and over 50,000 total hits
  • December was my best month, representing almost 15x growth over January's traffic
  • Germany is the biggest non-English speaking country to visit here
  • Chrome is the most popular browser, with IE as a close second and Safari right behind

On top of this, my pieces were discussed on my favorite tech podcasts, The Prompt and Accidental Tech Podcast. I wrote some pieces for The Tech Block. I also got linked to by other large Apple blogs. I'm still waiting to be "fireballed," but maybe that'll happen in 2015.

Also, as much as I'm an Apple guy, the things I have written about Android have been some of my most popular posts of the year. The 3 most popular posts this year were Should you switch to ART on your HTC One M8?, Dbrand iPhone 6 Skin Review, and 5 Cool Things You Can do with Tasker for Android.

Oh yeah, and I started a podcast this year! I had no idea on January 1 that I would have any interest in doing one, but I freaking love it! It's been such a challenging experience, but one that I'm glad I'm taking on. Expect to see big changes in this department in the coming year.

Finally, I spent all of this year running the site on Statamic, a great CMS that I really, really enjoyed using. I still like it, but I'm thinking that it's a little much to use for "just a blog". I am testing the waters with Squarespace (which has gotten pretty great with their latest version 7 release), and want to migrate my site over there in January. The big challenge right now is that it's damn near impossible to export a Statamic site into any format worth a damn. There are plenty of guides how to move from Squarespace to Statamic, but not the other way around.

This was a great year to be a writer online, and I can only expect 2015 to be even better. I have to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in this silly after-work hobby of mine. You're all delightful, good looking people, and I hope to see you here again[^1] next year.

[^1]: And pander to you again.