
Goodies: August 25

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Good morning, everyone!

Video game fans, I hope you took the next couple weeks off of work, because the landscape for the next 2 weeks is dense with new releases. Even though Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain comes out next week, the review embargo dropped, and the reviews are universally stellar. This is my favorite video game series behind The Legend of Zelda, and I can't wait to get my hands on it next week.

In the meantime, get hypnotized by this video of some truly amazing driving in the game Trackmania 2 Canyon. The amount of work that went into making this track and the precision needed to pull off this line is truly spectacular.

New Games

  • Dishonored: Definitive Edition (PS4/XBO)
  • Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (XBO)
  • Madden NFL 16 (PS4/PS3/XBO/360)
  • Mega Man Legacy Collection (PS4/XBO/PC)
  • Until Dawn (PS4)
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch (XBO) (Wednesday)
  • Lara Croft Go (iOS/Android/Windows Phone) (Thursday)
  • Disney Infinity 3.0 (Everything!) (Sunday)

New Movies

Links of note

Swag of the Week

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Last week I mentioned that I watch Casey Neistat's daily vlog with my breakfast. Well, my other morning routine habit is to read Ben Thompson's Stratechery daily update. The update tends to be on the lengthy side, but is a solid high-level analysis of the tech news of the day. I find it to be a great way to get myself thinking about tech news in a deeper way than just cruising by the usual tech news sites.

Membership to The Daily Update is $10/month.