
Apple clarifies its stance on retro game emulators on iOS

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Joe Rossignol for MacRumors: Apple Further Explains Why Game Boy Emulator iGBA Was Removed From App Store

While it did not explicitly name GBA4iOS, Apple told us it removed iGBA from the App Store after learning that it was a knockoff app that copied another developer's work and attempted to pass it off as its own.

Notably, Apple confirmed to us that emulators on the App Store are permitted to load ROMs downloaded from the web, so long as the app is emulating retro console games only.

This is what had always seemed to be the case to me, but I kept seeing people say that the rule was only meant to allow companies like Sega to release collections of their old games, which i was really struggling to comprehend. I’m happy to see Apple further clarify this.