
Philips Hue App Getting a Much Needed Update Soon

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Philips announced a few new things to do with their Hue line of products at CES this week, and this part stood out to me the most:

In Q2 2018, the company plans to update its iOS and Android apps to version 3.0, bringing about a redesign of the app inspired by comments and feedback from current Hue users. Philips said 3.0 will "enhance" existing and new features so that the smart home lighting system can be activated "with even more ease."

Thank god! Seriously, the Hue app as it exists today is really rough. It just looks bad and feels like one of the most unreliable apps on my iPhone.

They also had this little nugget:

A "Hue Sync" app for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 devices will be coming in Q2 2018. Hue Sync will let you create and customize light scripts for games, movies, and music played on a Mac or Windows computer.

It's quite interesting to me that the whole smart home/IoT revolution has been happening completely separate from the PC. This will be the first real app that I'll use that lets me manage any part of my smart home that isn't on iOS or Android. Probably not a larger trend that we'll see from other device makers, but interesting nonetheless to see something (anything!) happening in regards to smart home management on the PC.