I feel more empowered than ever
Bryan Irace: Tim, Don’t Kill My Vibe
Like it or not, LLMs—both through general chat interfaces and purpose-built developer tools—have meaningfully increased the rate at which new software can be produced. And they’ve done so both by making skilled developers more productive while also lowering the bar for less-experienced participants.
I'd also like to recommend Theo's video responding to Anthropic's CEO suggesting 90% of code will soon be written by AI. Basically, this could happen if the amount of code goes up an insane amount because more people are writing it.
But the linked article is mostly about how this relates to Apple's platforms.
If Apple sees its developer tooling and policies as neatly-paved sidewalks, new desire paths are forming—paths increasingly designed to minimize touchpoints with Apple. Alarm bells should be ringing for those concerned with what remains of Apple’s developer goodwill, and consequently, its market position.
I've been writing an app since the start of the year and I do all the work in Cursor and then toggle over to Xcode to hit `Command + R` to run the app and make sure it works.
Oh, and since creating my first plugin yesterday, I made a second one today. It's super small and specific to my needs so I won't be sharing this one, but it's immediately made my computing life better. I feel empowered to make my computer do what I want, and that's a great feeling.