
How to Download Your Entire Twitter History

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

Twitter has a surprisingly great data export feature built into the service and taking advantage of it is really easy. Below I have broken down the brief steps needed to get your tweets.

When you do your export, you'll get a ZIP file that contains an index.html file that you can open in any browser and browse your tweet history. It essentially makes a personal Twitter site that only has your Tweets. It's complete with a search feature if you're looking for a specific tweet (or you just want to see how many times you say dirty words1).

You also get a CSV file that you can use to do whatever you want with.


1. Go to your Twitter settings.

2. Click "Your Twitter Data" and enter your password.

3. Scroll to the bottom and click "Twitter Archive."

4. Click "Request Your Archive."

5. Wait for Twitter to deliver your email. Typically takes a minute or two.

And that's it! One the file is unzipped, the index.html file is probably where you want to go, but you can do some fun work with that CSV file if you know your way around Excel. Here are some silly stats on how I use Twitter:

I use it more and more every year

Broken down by platform

Most tweets are on iOS, but which apps?

I basically only use Tweetbot on my Mac

I haven't tweeted much from Android, but when I do...

  1. For example, I've dropped the F-bomb 55 times, or about once a month.