
The “hot” feature people want in the new iPhones

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Steven Knight from SellCell: iPhone 16 Pre-Launch Survey: 62% of iPhone Users to Upgrade to iPhone 16

The second rumored feature the 2000 iPhone users want to see with the 16-series is the thermal control to avoid overheating, with 26.8% of those surveyed stating that this will positively affect their purchase intent.

It’s definitely an interesting data point. For my part, I can say without question that the iPhone 15 Pro has had the most “oh wow, my phone is hot!” moments of any iPhone I think I’ve ever owned (and no, I’m not talking about running any beta OS versions). I guess throw me in with the crowd that hopes future iPhones feel consistently cooler to the touch.

P.S. Long time readers will know I’m not the sort to complain about B.S. iPhone hardware controversy, but trust me when I say the iPhone 15 Pro has been unusually and noticeably toasty.