
Vampyr Coming to PS4 in 2017

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Oh boy do I wish I liked the look of this game. This is developed by DontNod, the developer behind Life is Strange (a game I need to finish, but love), and sports a look and feel similar to Bloodborne. I should love this game right off the bat, but I don't.

I don't know if it's the clunky-looking movement that would look out of place in a PS3 game, or the simplistic combat that also manages to look pretty darn awkward. Add to this the lip syncing that must be a placeholder, because you simply can't ship that in 2010, let alone 2017!

All this said, this is an alpha version of the game, so things will inevitably improve, but it's worrying to see so many core parts of the game look so unfinished at its unveiling. Compare this to the alpha footage of Battlefield 1 or the gameplay debut trailer for Bloodborne. Both of those games looked basically ready for release, even if it was only those vertical slices ready for prime time. Sony chose this portion of Vampyr to show off, and I think they revealed it too soon.

And if I'm wrong and this is basically what we can expect in the final game, I'm worried about how this game.