
Blogs Are Awesome! Write One, Follow Some

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Happy Sunday, everyone! I woke up today with a distinct feeling of joy that I have my little corner of the web that is all mine. I can write whatever I want and it will get seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people. It’s a privilege, but it’s also something that literally anyone with a computer or smartphone can do as well.

In the sprit of sharing the love, here are some of my favorite blogs that I follow that might not get as much attention as the bigger blogs out there[1]. Maybe you’ll find something new!

Benedict Evans - Apple, general tech

Bitsplitting - Programming, Apple

Daily Exhaust - Misc. cool stuff

Dear Coffee I Love You - Cool coffee stuff

Highest Notes - My other blog, one cool song a day

Multiball! - Personal essays on gaming (not what you’re used to in gaming blogs)

The Newsprint - Tech, Apple, and pens. His reviews in particular are great.

No Wrong Way to Play - Videos of the odd ways people play video games

Nuclear Bits - Linkblog, very Daring Fireball-esque

Revert to Saved - Apple commentary

Rusty Rants - An Android and iOS developer who favors Android

Sanspoint - Tech writing with a tinge of “this is all ridiculous and we should settle down!”

Smplcty Blss - Random cool stuff and inspirational quotes

One Tap Less - iOS productivity

Three Staples - Another pen/notebook blog. If you like Field Notes notebooks, you’ll like this site.

Tiny Cartridge - Gaming blog focused on Nintendo and Japanese games

Zero Distraction - Used to be a general tech blog, but has turned into a really good gaming site.

The Zinx - Beautiful apps and resources for iOS, Android, and Mac

  1. Some of these sites may get insane traffic and I just don’t know it.  ↩