
Goodies: March 10

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

Happy Tuesday, everyone! It was a pretty great week on the internet, so let's get going.

First off, this celebratory video by Hank Green is a joy. We got net neutrality, and that's amazing. Watch this and feel good (at least until republicans try and repeal it).

New Music

A Yeezy for all Seasons is a battle to the death of Kanye West's 32 best songs to see which one is the best. This must have taken forever to create, and I found it hard to disagree with many of his picks. Fantastic!

What was it like to deliver a presentation to Steve Jobs?

Dust off your plastic instuments because Harmonix is making Rock Band 4 and it's coming out this year. I'm actually pretty excited to get a new Rock Band game after all these years. As a people, we burned out hard on the series, but I do remember the sheer joy of playing those games fondly.

Sync 2.0 by Bittorrent was released, and is better than ever. I don't have a great use for this right now, but if you have a NAS, this is great.

Life After Cancer: How the iPhone Helped Me Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle. Federico Viticci tells an incredibly emotional and inspirational story of how his iOS devices are actually improving his life.

Pebble: The Not-So-Final Verdict. Richard Anderson mirrors my view that owning a Pebble convinces you that notifications on your wrist is awesome, but the Pebble itself has too many limitations in its current form (at least on iOS).

WatchAware is a new site dedicated to the Apple Watch and they have this great page that shows you semi-functional versions of tons of apps coming to the watch. If you're still a bit confused about the difference between notifications, glances, and apps, this site will help sort that out.

And finally this week, I found this old review of the Palm Pre Plus from 2010. It's humerous to see what we were thinking about smartphones just 5 years ago and how faw we've come. It's also a reminder of how badly shot phone reviews were up to this point. Love them or hate them, The Verge (which launched in 2011) really raised the bar for what we expect from a product video review.