
My Home Screen: March 2015

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

Another month, another home screen! If you remember, I had a jailbroken phone last month, but I have since restored my phone to stock iOS. Life is good, but I do miss some of the tweaks that I had from jailbreaking. That said, I am getting insane battery life on iOS 8.2, which is not a bad trade off.

Restoring my phone did allow me to start fresh and rethink what I had on my home screen.

My wallpaper is once again my own creation. If you want it, just $3 supports this site and gets you access to 5 wallpapers for your phone.

What’s New?

MyFitnessPal - free: I think everyone knows about this app already, but I started using it 3 weeks ago to track my eating. I’ve logged every single day, and it’s actually helped me lose some weight. Simply knowing how much I’m eating has gone a long way to being healthier (which isn’t easy in the dead of winter).

Pocket - free: After years, and years using Instapaper and Pinboard to save links for later, I’m trying to use Pocket as a replacement for both services[1]. I like the app a lot so far!

Mail Pilot 2 - $9.99: I gushed about this app in my review, and it’s still my email app of choice on iOS. Microsoft Outlook is a close second, but its lack of a desktop app makes it less useful to me.

Pocket Casts - $3.99: I think Overcast is built for people who don’t subscribe to as many podcasts as I do. I kept losing shows that were released but were added to the bottom of my queue, so I couldn’t figure out what was new and what was old. Pocket Casts’ timeline view works well for me.

Spotify - free: Beats was a nice vacation last month, but Spotify is just a better app.

Tweetbot - $4.99: I’m back to Tweetbot after a month with Twitterrific. The Tapbots crew must have a better relationship with Twitter, because their more advanced Twitter integrations seem to always work better and have to be fixed less often that Twitterrific.

Google - free: I do so many searches on my phone that it just makes sense that Google gets easier access.

  1. Although I do have an IFTTT action set up to add everything I save to Pocket into my Pinboard account in case I go back.  ↩