"I Swear it was an Accident" - Huawei…Constantly

Long story short, this stunning photo wasn’t shot on a Huawei P40 Pro. Instead, it was shot on a Nikon D850 DLSR camera which costs over $3,000 on its own.
GadgetMatch noticed that the image showing an Indonesian volcano (seen main image) looks suspiciously similar to a snap taken by photographer Tom Pfeiffer in 2009. Furthermore, GSMArena reports that the photo showing a child and ducks wasn’t taken by the P30 either. In fact, this photo was published in 2016 by photographer Jake Olson.
Caught by a Reddit user over the weekend, Huawei put out an ad for its new Nova 3i smartphone recently which was designed to highlight its selfie camera in the Egyptian market.
However, not too long after, a model used in the ad posted a behind-the-scenes picture on her Instagram account (since deleted) which revealed that the photo wasn’t taken on the Nova 3i, but rather on a DSLR. Hilariously, you can even see the male model holding up nothing up towards the camera itself.
Like many photo-sharing platforms, Google+ will allow you to easily see the EXIF data of any image uploaded to the platform (in case you didn’t know, Google+ used to have a photo service built in). This reveals all the data you might want to know about an image such as the exposure, ISO, and of course the camera which took the shot. In this case, that camera was the Canon EOS 5D Mark III, whoops.
Look, Huawai has responded every time saying that they technically never said that the photos were taken on their phones, but the context these photos were displayed heavily implied that was the case. Huawai phones can take some great photos, so I really can't fathom why the company's marketing does this year after year after year.
I look forward to linking to this post again in 2021 when they inevitably do this again, followed by a rote "it was an innocent mistake."