Mia Sato: The Kardashians hate the new Instagram

“Make Instagram Instagram again,” the post says. “(Stop trying to be tiktok i just want to see cute photos of my friends). Sincerely, everyone.” Her sister Kim Kardashian also shared the same post, which has over 1.1 million likes. The associated Change.org petition has nearly 100,000 signatures.

My feelings about Instagram's strategy are as conflicted as always. On the one hand, it's not great when some of your biggest, most influential users are publicly complaining about your changes. On the other hand, Instagram hasn't gotten to where it is today by "sticking to photos" and basically all of their big product changes over the years have lead to more users on the service. Also, people say they want a simple service for sharing photos, but the road of history in tech is paved with the broken dreams of companies who tried to make "Instagram the way it used to be".

For me, Twitter has proven to be a great place for posting photos and finding other interesting photographers out there. Yes, you have to wade through the other depressing stuff on Twitter, but if photographs are your thing, it's done the best job of getting interesting stuff in front of me. Glass has a nice interface, but without any real discovery tools, it's almost impossible to find the most interesting voices there, so my photo feed struggles to expand beyond the people I already know.