
Apple Pay Seriously Drives Sales

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

USA Technologies, Inc ran a 6 month study that "targeted point-of-sale advertising of Apple Pay" and the results are impressive, if not that surprising. The study essentially seems to have looked at sales before and after adding a "pay with Apple Pay" sticker to their vending machines.

The results are very impressive, and are yet another data point as to why you should be supporting Apple Pay, and other mobile payment options, if you are selling anything online. The study's results over the 6 month study are below:

  • 135% increase in mobile transactions
  • 36% increase in overall sales
  • 44% increase in total transactions

The results are excellent, as just about any business would be happy with a 36% increase in sales from simply adding a sticker to their machine. That's amazing!