
I Like Sketch, but There's No Way I Could Use it at Work

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Nathan Snelgrove: Further Sketch News in Figma’s World

None of these developers are in love with Figma, and all of them hate Adobe, but Sketch being Mac-first immediately ruled them out for the teams I’m on. I wish Sketch took the Affinity route: build an amazing Mac app, and then build out native Windows and iPad versions. That could have made Sketch an unbeatable proposition in an increasingly tool-agnostic world.

I like the speed of Sketch and that it can both create cloud docs and local docs, both of which are useful to me depending on the situation.

However, Figma is exponentially more powerful and has a more vibrant community around it that makes it even better. And as Nathan says, the fact you must be 100% committed to Macs in your organization (at least in product and design) for Sketch to be at all practical, and most orgs just aren't.

Sketch makes a great app for the Mac, but until they have a Windows solution (and ideally Linux, Chromebook, and iPad) that can do more than view docs in a browser, it simply eliminates itself from the conversation from so many companies.

I wish Sketch all the luck in the world…I want them to succeed…but they really need to expand their reach if they want to compete in the future.