
Some New Apps on my iPhone

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Here's a quick overview of some of the new apps that are making their way into my daily life lately.

Pocket Casts

Overcast was one of those apps that I was excited to try when I came back to iOS, but I've fallen out of love with it. I lose track of what I've listened to and the UI in general just doesn't work like I want it to.

That's where Pocket Casts, my old favorite has come back in the fray. I love this app so much! Their latest update makes it even easier to use and better looking than ever before. I immediately feel at home.


Like most of Google's iOS apps, the official YouTube lacks the ability to share links with the stock iOS share sheet. I like to save videos for later on my phone and then watch them from a Pinboard list (weird, I know, but it works for me) and the YouTube app doesn't let me do that. ProTube just came out today and is a nice alternative that fixes all of my problems with the official app.

I don't love the list interface, as it's noisy and hard to read, but the good definitely outweighs the bad right now.

Google Maps

Speaking of Google, I have gone back to their maps app after using Apple's app for the past month. I do miss the lock screen and Siri integration that you get with Apple's Maps, but the "material design" update makes this an app that I just love to interact with. Good job, Google.


Apple should buy these guys and make Ecoute the stock music app for iOS. Everything I dislike about Music is fixed in Ecoute.

So how about you? Are there any new apps you love? Let me know on Twitter!