
🏃🏻‍♂️ Another Zippy One (Newsletter #110)

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

Another short one since I simply don't have time right now, but I had to get a few goodies in your inbox anyway!

The Videos

I shared the first episode of this series last week, and there's a new one every Sunday, so this may not be the last. Super good series from Becki and Chris.

"Supercut" of every time two female characters interact in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

How Formula 1's new helmet cameras work.

Jerry Schulze does a great comparison of what the new Studio Display gains (and loses) compared to one of the best values in the 4K monitor world.

And let's wrap it up with some silliness! Ocarina of Time modded to make everything you touch turn into a bomb.

The Tweets