
Today Weather: Day 2 Update

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Yesterday was amazing, and I have to thank everyone who took a look at Today Weather over the past 24 hours. It's been quite the ride, as way more people visited the site yesterday than I was expecting. I certainly can't complain, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Thank you to everyone who said nice things, and a double thank you to everyone who bookmarked the site and are going to use it every day.

Despite the general praise I've heard so far, there were of corse some hiccups. First and most glaring was the omission of Celsius (or any metric) measurements. I knew this was a bridge I would have to cross soon, but thought I could omit it from a 1.0 release and add it in a few weeks. As it turns out, and this is probably obvious to everyone else, that was a mistake. Us Americans tend to forget just how big the rest of the world is and they have no freaking idea why we use this mad system of measurement.

I hopped into the code yesterday evening and implemented a fix that should make most people happy. I've coded the site to display the weather information in whatever the location uses. There are 5 nations in the world that use Fahrenheit as a measurement, and any location you search for in those 5 nations will display in Fahrenheit, while all other locations will show in Celsius. It's an elegantly simple solution, and I'm happy with it.

Maybe you want to mix and match your Celsius temperatures with miles, or you might even want to see all temperatures in Fahrenheit, even if they're in France, or China, or like I said, basically anywhere besides the US. User settings are coming later to allow this as well.

Beyond this major miss, there were a few small bugs that turned up in wide use that never occurred in the beta testing period. As I go off to work today, all known issues have been addressed. Fingers crossed that list of open issues remains nice and short.