
Today Weather: Beautiful weather forecasts

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

I'm very happy to show off Today Weather for the first time today! Today Weather is a unique weather site that I built to fill a niche that was not properly served before. Specifically, I wanted a weather site that was fast, easy to use, great at hyper-local forecasts, and looked good on all screens. Shockingly, this doesn't seem to exist yet. Most weather sites you go to are full of useless information, clickbait articles, garrish ads, and most don't even look that great. Today Weather is an attempt to address all those sins.

Right out of the gate you'll see that Today Weather doesn't look like any other weather site you've used before. Its dark UI is at odds with the standard bright-while UIs of what you're used to seeing in weather services. The accent colors pop, and make the data immediately readable. This was an opinionated choice and it may not appeal to everyone, but I think it's the best damn looking weather site I've seen on the web.

The next big thing I wanted to address was page loading time. Checking the weather should be quick and easy, and it simply isn't with many of the other big weather sites. They have business models that demand insane user interfaces that are not optimized for clarity, but for getting users to click as many links as possible. Today Weather is ad-supported as well, but I have no intentions of cluttering the page with ads everywhere. There are currently 2 ads on the site1 and they are there to ensure the site is profitable, but they will not impede your use.

All of the overhead the other guys have on their sites add up, and they add up to eating up a ton of data. Below are 2 charts showing how big Today Weather is compared to the other big weather sites out there. The first chart shows how large each site is and the second shows how many HTTP requests each site makes upon first load. In both cases, smaller is better.

The difference is staggering, as Today Weather is 92% smaller, and makes 91% fewer network requests than Remember, you're going to both of these sites to see what the weather looks like, not burn though your data cap.

All that said, Today Weather is still early in its life and will continue to be developed going forward so that it improves and appeals to more people. Support for Celsius temperatures as well as radar are coming in the relatively near future, so keep an eye out for those.

Check out Today Weather right now and make checking the weather an easier, more pleasant, and more beautiful experience.

  1. Both hosted by Google Adsense, so you won't even see them if you have an ad blocker.