

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Today I’m excited to announce Birchtree.css!

Birchtree.css is a a single, tiny CSS file you can use to add some quick, easy style to your web page. This if far from something like Bootstrap, and if you’re building a full website, then that will do you much better, but if you’re building a simple page for yourself or a test page for something, then this could fit the bill just right. Birchtree.css is a single 4KB file while Bootstrap is upwards of 1,000x larger if you just import it into your project. If you want the leanest code possible, then this might be more up your alley.

Oh, and of course this was 100% developed on an iPad. Would you expect anything different from me?

If you'd like an idea what this was made for, check out my test site for Collect.js, a product I own at my day job.

You can download the project from GitHub and make pull requests there if you’d like something added or improved.