
Mario Kart in 4K is Glorious

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read
Mario Kart in 4K is Glorious

So don't ask too many questions about how I got these screenshots 😉 but I was curious how Switch games would look like on this theoretical "Switch Pro" that has been rumored for a year or so now. One of the things I'd love to have on a "pro" Switch is the ability to run games at 4K (the current Switch tops out at 1080p).

As it happens, I had the ability to get some side-by-side comparisons of Mario Kart 8 running at 720p (Wii U resolution) and 4K. Setting aside the fact the Switch version runs at 1080p and has some visual imrpovements of its own, I wanted to see what the difference would be if we took the Wii U game and just increaded the resolution. As you can see (as long as you don't look at this on your phone) is that the difference is massive, and I really hope that we get the opportunity to run these games at 4K for real in the not-too-distant future. Nintendo's games scale up really well to high resolutions, so hopefully we get the chance to do just that.