
Gone Full Electric (Newsletter #103)

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Happy Friday! Just a normal update today, although intrepid readers will notice the tweets aren't here. I'm taking a week off Twitter, so sadly one of the downsides is I don't have anything fun to share with you all but rest assured they'll be back in good time!

Some Good Music

Spoon might be the most reliably great bands I listen to regularly, and their latest album continues their streak.

Click the image for links to Lucifer on the Sofa on all the major music services.

The Videos

I'm not saying I endorse every idea in this video, I'm not an expert, but I do find it really interesting to see how other countries do things, and the anxieties around "will I ever be able to afford a home?" is a pertinent question to basically everyone my age.

Inscryption seems like the best game I missed last year, and I need to find time to give it a shot.

You probably already saw it, but in case you didn't, the Super Bowl halftime show featuring Dr. Dre, Mark J. Blige, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and 50 Cent was a banger.

A very fun video showing how easy it is to pass yourself off as an insider (at least for a little while).