
🏃🏻‍♂️ Micro-Newsletter #109

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Hello and happy Friday! I'm moving this week, so this issue is quite abbreviated (and late!), but I still wanted to get some goodies into your inbox for the weekend. Cheers!

I talked to Greg Morris on his And You Are? podcast about all sorts of things from how social media changes my brain, why crypto culture drives me insane, and why it's okay to spend money on things that aren't a "good value".

The Videos

Alanah Pierce with the best response to "how do you deal with online trolls?" I've seen. Obviously not going to work for everyone, but I love it.

In case you need a new song to get you up in the morning.

Becki and Chris are making a full home buying and renovation series that just started, and it's utterly fantastic! I can't wait to see the rest.

And finally, Digital Foundry with exactly the sort of April Fool's content I like: silly, fun, but not trying to trick me.

The Tweets