An iCloud Keychain App
An iCloud Keychain App
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iCloud Keychain: Why isn't there a dedicated app? - 9to5Mac
When saving a password to iCloud Keychain, a dedicated app could help facilitate the set up of a one time password for individual websites. Apple could even create an API that works with Sign in with Apple or just general website logins.
I wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion. Passwords and other elements of authentication are too much to deal with entirely inside a settings panel in the Settings app. This made sense at the start of iOS’s life, but as Apple has done more with iCloud Keychain over the years, it’s felt more strained in there than it should.
A standalone app would do a couple things.
- It would make it easier for people to find their password and access them quicker. Everyone understands how apps work, but lots of people don’t know they can do this in Settings.
- Apple should support two factor codes, and those would be much better managed in an app.
- Apple could choose to do something like a physical security key related to the tech they’re using in AirTags which could be set up, managed, and let’s be honest, advertised in the app.
I don’t think this is the most important thing Apple needs to do this year, but I’d definitely be cheering at home if they announce this at WWDC this summer.