
Apple Fighting the PR Battle

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Apple Will Replace the Battery in Your iPhone 6 or Later Even if It Passes a Genius Bar Diagnostic Test - Mac Rumors:

Apple has since independently confirmed to MacRumors that it will agree to replace an eligible battery for a $29 fee, regardless of whether an official diagnostic test shows that it is still able to retain less than 80 percent of its original capacity. The concession appears to have been made to mollify the anger of customers stoked by headlines suggesting that Apple artificially slows down older iPhones to drive customers to upgrade to newer models.

First, "we're dropping the replacement price to $29 in late January."

Next, "nevermind, we're starting now."

Now, "ok, if you want to pay $29 you can have a new battery."

This is a big PR challenge for Apple, and it's refreshing to see them continue to bend over backwards to make make things right.