Ask any Siri apologist why Siri is better than Google Assistant and I guarantee one of, if not the first thing they bring up will be that Siri works in more languages. “Doesn’t matter how good Google Assistant is if it doesn’t work in your language!”

This is true, but that lead is vanishing fast. As of today, Siri supports 21 languages in 36 countries. Not bad, right? Google Assistant supports 8 languages today, which is definitely less, but Google just announced they will be adding over 20 new languages to their voice assistant by the end of 2018, bringing the total to 30+. The company says this will cover 95% of all Android users out there.

So yeah, Siri’s language advantage is about to evaporate. Maybe Apple will add a dozen new languages in iOS 12 and Apple will hold onto this lead, but I find that a little unlikely.

For the record, I think Siri is better than some say, but it’s not as good as Google Assistant. Maybe Siri losing it’s language advantage will make more people ask Apple to improve Siri at a quicker rate. Or maybe they’ll find some other metric to use to excuse Siri’s issues.