
Bosses who forced workers back to the office call “oopsies”

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read
Bosses who forced workers back to the office call “oopsies”

Morgan Smith: 80% of bosses say they regret earlier return-to-office plans: ‘A lot of executives have egg on their faces’

“Many companies are realizing they could have been a lot more measured in their approach, rather than making big, bold, very controversial decisions based on executives’ opinions rather than employee data,” Larry Gadea, Envoy’s CEO and founder, tells CNBC Make It.


The companies that are seeing the most success with returning to the office appear to be the ones that are making decisions with their employees, rather than for them.

Of course this is the case. Everyone likes to work somewhere that they feel respected and that they have agency over decisions being made by the company. Business executives are not immune from the “I saw someone else do this, so it must make sense” trap we all fall into time to time.