
Goodies: August 4, 2015

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Good morning, everyone! Big news this week is I'm moving in less than 2 weeks. My wife and I finally found a good place, and after years of commuting over an hour to get to work, my new commute will be less than 5 minutes. The only downside I can see is that my podcast-listening time is about to shrink dramatically. I guess I can deal...

This week's video is Kurt Vile's new single, Pretty Pimpin. I've shared this a couple times already on Twitter, but I had to share it one more time because I can not stop listening to this song. Kurt Vile has been on a roll for years, and this single is just another awesome step along the way.

New Games

  • Rare Replay (Xbox One)

Links of Note

  • Theft, Lies, and Facebook - Hank Green
  • Keeping my head above water - Radiant Tap
  • Review: Three Months of Apple Watch - 512 Pixels
  • Windows 10 Review: Microsoft Takes a Step Back to Move Forward - Recode
  • Be Unfailingly Kind - Rands in Repose
  • The Story of Windows 10 from Inside Microsoft - The Verge
  • Goodbye, Android - Motherboard
  • Vine's Quiet, Stealthy Pivot - Fast Company
  • Inside the failure of Google+, a very expensive attempt to unseat Facebook - Mashable
  • $600 premium Android phones are getting harder and harder to sell - VentureBeat

Swag of the Week

  <img src="" alt=""/>

The MoKo Soft Silicone Apple Watch Replacement Sport Band it too good of a deal to be true, but it just may be real. This band is a rip off of Apple's Sport Band, but at $10 it's hard to resist trying it out. Mine is in the mail on the recommendation of WatchAware. I have the blue one coming in the next couple days and will definitely be sharing my thoughts.