Good morning! Dust off your plastic instruments everyone, Rock Band is back! I mean, I’m not getting Rock Band 4, but I kind of wish my friends would get it so I can play without the bulk in my living room. Seriously, if you are close and are picking up the game, let me know!

Our video this week is Steve Burns, who played Steve on Blue's Clues telling a fantastic story. Seriously, set aside 17 minutes and watch this whole thing.

New games

  • Rock Band 4 (PS4/XBO)
  • Prison Architect (PC/Mac)
  • Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PS4) FRIDAY

Links of note

Podcasting's Ubiquitous Advertisers: Why Every Show Is Brought to You by Squarespace - The Atlantic

Based on that sample, most podcast ads were purchased by companies that bring on new customers and sell products through the Internet, with Squarespace,, and Audible leading the pack in terms of ads bought.

Here's why your bank probably just sent you a new credit and debit card - Vox

In the past few years, US retailers have suffered from a seemingly endless series of security breaches that led to the loss of customers' credit card information. A big reason for this is that our technology for processing credit card transactions — specifically, the magnetic strip on the back of the card — is decades out of date.

The Cost of Mobile Ads on 50 News Websites - The New York Times

The difference was easy to spot: many websites loaded faster and felt easier to use. Data is also expensive. We estimated that on an average American cell data plan, each megabyte downloaded over a cell network costs about a penny. Visiting the home page of every day for a month would cost the equivalent of about $9.50 in data usage just for the ads.

How Steve Jobs Fleeced Carly Fiorina — Backchannel — Medium

In short, Fiorina’s “good friend” Steve Jobs blithely mugged her and HP’s shareholders. By getting Fiorina to adopt the iPod as HP’s music player, Jobs had effectively gotten his software installed on millions of computers for free, stifled his main competitor, and gotten a company that prided itself on invention to declare that Apple was a superior inventor. And he lost nothing, except the few minutes it took him to call Carly Fiorina and say he was sorry she got canned.

Inside Target Corp., Days After 2013 Breach — Krebs on Security

directly shared its lessons learned from the breach, the penetration test reports from Verizon include some useful — if somewhat obvious — findings that should be instructive for all retailers and larger companies.

Swag of the week

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This week’s swag is a little nerdier than average (and they said it couldn’t be done), but I really love it and had to share. If you’re really crazing some new Star Wars action before Episode 7 comes out this December, this new comic is a pretty great way to get your fix.

The 160 page first collection just came out today, or your could subscribe to the series on ComiXology.