Good morning everyone! It finally feels like summer again here in Illinois. Our bedroom faces east, which means the sun shines right in, basically making it impossible to sleep past sunrise. That's okay, because days like this just make we want to get up and get going. There are runs that need to be run, work that needs to be done, and of course blog posts that have to be written.

Of course it's easier to wake up with the sun and hop on your computer and get lost on YouTube or Reddit for hours. Then go to work, eat dinner, and veg out on the couch all night. If you want to do that every now and then that's fine, but it's important to get out there and do things that stimulate your mind and body.

None of this is original advise, but it's good to remind ourselves of this every now and again so that we resist the urge to do what's easier: nothing.

New Games

  • Armello (PS4, PC, Mac)
  • Mad Max (PS4, XBO, PC)
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4/XBO/PS3/X360/PC)
  • Xeodrifter (PS4/PSVita)

Links of note

Swag of the week

The Hobonichi Planner for 2016 was just made available to order. I have the 2015 version of this planner and I am deeply in love with it. If you need a small daily notebook, this is about as good as they get. The paper is very thin but very high quality, the book opens and lays completely flat due to an excellent spine design, and there are plenty of inspirational quotes to get you going each day.

The Hobonichi Techo is a Japanese country and your book will ship from Japan. Two day shipping isn't really an option here... It's listed at 2,700 yen on their site, which works out to about $22 USD, so it's not even outrageously priced. I can't recommend this planner highly enough.