Here's hoping…

Tomorrow is the US Presidential election, and no one knows what's going to happen. Maybe Kamala Harris will win, maybe Donald Trump will. It's a toss up, just like it is every election cycle. Sometimes I think that we could have Jesus Christ himself running against a pile of used tissues and we'd still be going into election days with most of the swing states too close to call.
I cast my vote early, and I cast it for Kamala Harris. I think she will be a good president, and I think she has done a masterful job stepping into the race so late. You may not agree with her politics, but she's the sort of person who should be running for this office.
We know what a Donald Trump presidency looks like, and it looks like chaos on its best days and fascism on its worst. I am deeply distressed that it's always some group of brown people's fault that everything isn't how people want it to be. In 2016 it was Mexicans ("build the wall") and Muslims (the Muslim ban). In 2024 it's Mexicans and Haitians running "eating the dogs" and causing the housing crisis. I find it sick, frankly, and it makes me sick seeing Republicans a the RNC this summer getting hyped up over kicking out 10 million people from this country. Oh, we stripped a parent away from their kid who's a citizen? Too bad, that's collateral damage and they should have thought of that before they came here the wrong way.

And while the last 4 years haven't been the absolute best years ever, they have been pretty good considering the context and even better when compared to the recovery and inflation metrics I see in other developed nations around the world. America is strong and doing better than it was 4 years ago when Trump left us.
I also feel better about what rights Harris plans to protect verses what Trump wants to take away.
So yeah, I voted for Kamala Harris, and I felt most decisive about this vote than any other presidential vote I've cast since I cast my first one in 2004…for George W. Bush (forgive me, I was young and basically just believed what my parents believed — I've changed a lot since then).
By tomorrow night we'll either know or have a pretty good idea who won, and I'll either be ecstatic or borderline depressed. There's nothing I can do now, other than to say please go and vote if you haven't already. You're only one vote, but every one of us adds up to something special, and if you have the ability to vote, I hope you do.