
Is this the first iPhone 8 leak?

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

We've made it all the way to April without so much as a peep from the supply chain on any leaked parts from this fall's new iPhone. That may have changed this morning as a someone posted what could be the schematics for the new phone to Weibo.

There has been much talk recently about the "bezel-less iPhone" and this model looks like a step in that direction, but is certainly not bezel-free. The top and bottom bezels are much smaller than the current iPhone, and appear to be comparable to those on the super-slick Galaxy S8, but the screen does appear to have more substantial side bezels than Samsung's new flagship. I would expect Apple to minimize how those look in reality if they go with this design. It's worth noting that if this design is accurate and the goal of the industry is to lose the bezels, Samsung is leading here.

Here's a cleaned up comparison of the leaked phone next to the current iPhone 7:

By my math, this iPhone render is sporting a 5.7-5.8 inch screen, which would make it a little larger than the current iPhone 7 Plus's 5.5 inch display.

And here they are stacked on top of each other:

For my money, this model shown in the leak could either be the iPhone 8 Plus model, and not the standard sized iPhone, or it's the iPhone Pro and it will sit in between the sizes of the existing iPhones. For one more comparison, here are the iPhone 7, iPhone 8 render, and iPhone 7 Plus all stacked up:

Either this is the new standard iPhone and every body size is getting bigger (boo) or it's the new Plus model and the screens are getting bigger while the body sizes are going down (yay!).

We'll have to wait for more leaks to see if there's any merit to this rumor or not, but so far it's the best thing we have to go on.