just closing down my twttr
just closing down my twttr

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Not going to make a big deal of it, but today I decided to officially close my Twitter (sorry, X) account. I know, I know, someone could take my username if they want and yes I know this means I’ll have to start a new account if somehow I want to join it again in the future, but I just don’t care. Is someone using my name on Truth Social? How about any of the thousands of Mastodon servers out there? I don’t know, and I don’t particularly, care. X is just another service I don’t care about, and it has the bonus of being run by a hateful moron I don’t respect in the least, so why keep that one around?
I downloaded my backup so I can still see those sweet posts from the good old days if I want, but see you later, X, you won’t be missed 🫡