WWDC is just over a month away, and before the leaks really start coming, I wanted to write down a few of my wild and wacky predictions for the event.


  1. A presenter in the keynote makes a “mistake”
  2. A presenter is wearing a headband
  3. The phrase “artificial intelligence” or “A.I.” is never uttered (even though they show features that vaguely fall into that area)
  4. Craig will have intentionally mussed hair at some point


  1. Hardware announced that you can order this week
  2. Hardware announced with no release date

iPhone and iPad

  1. Dynamic wallpapers or choosing between wallpapers for light and dark mode
  2. Users can create shortcuts (at least in part) with natural language prompts
  3. Siri gets a notable UI update
  4. Messages works better with Android chats
  5. Stage Manager gets freely-resizable windows on iPad, just like it already does on macOS
  6. PassKeys get some stage time
  7. At least 1 pre-installed app gets a brand new icon
  8. Users can search Photos for words spoken in videos (like dynamic text, but for audio)
  9. Users can set a system-wide accent color (likely building on the lock screen customization UI)


  1. Spotlight for the Mac gets an update that makes us nerds seriously consider using it this summer rather than Raycast/Alfred/LaunchBar
  2. I will personally say “there’s really no good reason to install the macOS beta” only do install it a few hours later

Apple Watch

  1. Developers have a cool, new reason to want to make Watch apps
  2. Fitness features get a notable new social aspect that gets called out in the keynote (including in a “word cloud” slide)


I will append this list as I think of more things, but had to get this out just to put my cards on the table.