
NotebookLM tries to pin me down

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 7 min read

NotebookLM is an interesting project from Google that lets you upload a ton of documents about whatever you want, and then "chat" with them. Another thing they just released is the ability to generate a "podcast episode" about the things you've uploaded. The audio is very convincing, and while the content is a little vague and imprecise in the way AI-generated text often is, I was very curious to hear what that podcast would contain if I fed it the 3,972 blog posts from this site. Basically, if you took everything I've ever published to this site, what would be your biggest takeaways?

I've uploaded the audio if you want to listen to it, and I've transcribed it (with MacWhisper) if you were curious. I'd say the content is all relatively correct, but I would be disappointed if 2 real people read through my entire blog and came away with this conversation.

Everything from here on is generated by NotebookLM.

All Birchtree Posts Ever

Welcome in everybody. Ever feel like your online life is a kind of just like a big jumbled mess like Shares forgotten passwords you name it. It can definitely feel that way sometimes. Yeah, so today We're doing something a little different. We're diving deep but not just into any digital world We're diving into yours your website your posts even those tech journeys. You've been on. It's like we're piecing together I don't know. It's like a digital self-portrait, but instead of paint It's made of your digital DNA.

Exactly every post every comment every link you've ever shared it all paints a picture Okay, so let's unpack this treasure trove. We've got years of website data. Just waiting to be Well explored we're talking tech reviews personal anecdotes Even those curated links you found so share worthy and our mission if you choose to accept it is to uncover the hidden Connections in all of it. What is this digital footprint say about you more importantly? Maybe what can it teach you about how your interests have changed and evolved over time?

First up and let me know if you relate to this. It's the never-ending quest for better. Am I right? Always searching for that upgrade. I'm seeing a theme here. All right, because you are always upgrading Optimizing on the hunt for that perfect tech setup. Oh, absolutely Like remember remember that time you switched from iPhone to Android and then back again? It's such a classic tech dilemma. It really is initially drawn to Android customization options the freedom But then a few months later BAM back to iOS Simplicity that app ecosystem just proves there's no one-size-fits-all in tech.

Really. It's about finding what works for you Exactly your workflow your lifestyle and and let's not forget that Constant search for the perfect music player the perfect task manager note-taking app I mean the list goes on and on and on you're always testing always tweaking always looking for that edge, right? It speaks to a desire for efficiency wouldn't you say you're not just consuming tech you're shaping it Totally like that time you raised about Google Play Music. You loved that you could blend Subscription services with your own mp3s. That's control. That's being smart about it.

Absolutely and flexibility You know what? I think is so fascinating just looking at your home screens like both iPhone and Android. Oh, yeah It's like taking a trip down memory lane the layout the apps even the wallpaper It's such a snapshot of your priorities in that exact moment in time It really highlights how personal our digital spaces are we curate them to reflect well us No who we are what we value.

Okay, but here's a million-dollar question What happens when that shiny new tech? Well, it kind of loses its shine You've had some early adoption ventures. Haven't you you dove headfirst into the Apple watch world, didn't you? Yeah, I see it here the initial review. It reads like a love letter all about that sleek design the promise of like Seamless integration makes sense. It was a big deal at the time a whole new category, but then a year later I'm seeing a follow-up. Oh, and it's a bit more. How do I say it? Nuanced I can imagine reality sets in the limitations started to show right battery life the app ecosystem Yeah, those were common complaints early on you were honest about those frustrations, which I think is great Oh, absolutely because so many people just hop on the hype train and never look back It's easy to get caught up in the excitement You are willing to admit when something doesn't live up to the hype and that's a crucial part of being a tech user Being willing to adapt and change with the times Recognizing that new doesn't always mean better needs change priorities shift speaking of evolving needs Let's talk about your I'm calling it a fling with title.

Oh, yeah the music streaming service initially You were all about it the promise of higher audio quality treating artists fairly. It's a noble pursuit, right? Supporting the arts right and your posts from that time. I mean you can feel the passion the excitement about music discovery I love that but then I guess reality set in was the subscription fee actually worth it Was that difference in audio quality really that noticeable? I mean you really grappled with those questions publicly which again I applaud you for and Ultimately you decided it wasn't the right fit. Sometimes. It's just not it speaks to your pragmatism though Like you're willing to try new things, but you also have a strong sense of value You're not swayed by marketing not at all. It needs to be a tangible benefit to justify that cost Here's something I find really intriguing though Alongside that fascination with always having the latest and greatest you also have this clear Appreciation for simplicity like remember when you wrote about that cheap Bluetooth mouse.

Oh, yeah I love those moment after battling clunky dongles for who knows how long I mean it was a revelation Sometimes the simple solutions are the most elegant Absolutely, and your love for minimalist text editors. I'm seeing it here by word I a writer Classics you've got access to all these fancy feature-packed writing tools, but you keep coming back to these simple stripped-down ones Why do you think that is for me? It's about removing distractions Creating a space where you can just focus it sounds like your writing is really important to you and these tools They just help you get out of your own way. Let the words flow totally alright Ready to level up. Let's dive into your digital playground the world of video games Your posts about games are well.

There's some of my favorites to be honest. They reveal a side of you. That's playful Analytical and maybe even a little bit competitive. Oh, yeah, I see that you're not just passively playing games You're dissecting them right you appreciate the artistry the mechanics the storytelling you're looking for experiences that challenge you There are more than just games in that sense Absolutely like your love for Monument Valley Fallout 4 Bloodborne talk about a diverse gaming palette. I love it It really speaks to all these different parts of you Monument Valley those visuals the puzzles It's interactive art, and then there's Fallout 4 vast open world Yeah, endless possibilities and Bloodborne okay, not for the faint of heart No notoriously challenging, but the sense of accomplishment when you overcome those obstacles Nothing like it, and you're not afraid to call out the games that missed the mark destiny for example You thought the gameplay was a bit repetitive happens to the best of us and the order 1886 visually stunning for sure oh yeah, but you wanted more more story more engaging gameplay It's about pushing boundaries right really is you're looking for games that offer something unique and memorable It all points to a really interesting question.

You know we've talked about how you interact with tech today But what about tomorrow like I'm looking at your post and you've got all these thoughts on where things are now, but what about the future? What gets you excited or maybe even a little nervous? Well, you are a bit of an early adopter. It's true. It's true the Apple watch dabbling in VR You definitely like to keep an eye on the horizon. I do I do so let's get a little Speculative just for fun you've spent years. I mean years immersed in Apple and Google But what about that next big thing you know the one that completely changes how we live and work with technology It's coming it is what do you think it'll be something totally out of left field something? We haven't even imagined yet, or is it more about pushing the boundaries of what we already have like AI virtual reality Biotech even the possibilities are pretty much endless they are and maybe more importantly where do you see yourself in all of this? Are you happy just being along for the ride or? Are you someone who wants to help shape the future of tech because let's be real? You're not one to just sit on the sidelines.

I try not to it's all there in your digital DNA that curiosity that willingness to experiment It's not just a hobby. It's an asset in a world. That's constantly changing So there you have it a deep dive into your digital world. We didn't just see what you've done with technology We got a glimpse of who you are. What will you do with these insights? What new adventures await? Well the future is yours to write and I have a feeling it's gonna be an exciting one