
Now Might Not be the Time to Buy and Apple Watch

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Zac Hall wrote this piece for 9to5Mac today:

Agree or disagree, I believe the window on buying the first-gen Apple Watch has closed, and in almost every situation potential customers should wait for Apple Watch 2.

I love my Apple Watch to death, but I have to agree with Zac on this one. The Apple Watch has been on the market for just over a full year and the follow up is surely a few months away (my guess is this fall alongside the new iPhones). I still think the Apple Watch is a great product, but if you've waited this long to get one, maybe wait a few months to jump on board.

The current Apple Watch looks good, has great battery life1, a beautiful screen, and will likely get new software features this year with watchOS 3. All that said, the Apple Watch's Achilles Heel is it's slow processor. With everything the Apple Watch does well, I have to think that the processor will be getting a lot more horsepower in the next iteration. It's my number one complaint with the Watch and I think that change alone will be worth the wait.

Additional processing power also means there could be features like always-on watch faces that will be exclusive to the new model. Apple surely wants to get us first generation buyers to re-up for the next model, so I'm sure there will be some features that are exclusive to the new Apple Watch that you're really going to want to have.

If you've already bought your mom one for Mother's Day, it will still make for a good gift, but if you haven't plopped down the cash for one yet, give it a few more months and see what Apple has coming next. Worst case scenario is that the speed bump isn't that great and you'll be able to get a first generation model at a discount.

  1. As long as you're willing to charge it for about 45 minutes every evening.