
Power tools and RSI

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

John Gruber: The Mac Is a Power Tool

Safety by default, but don’t get in the way of power users doing their jobs. And when the user needs an override for the safety features, there is an override, and the situation will make clear to the user that needing to use the override is justified by the safety concerns. MacOS is veering into the territory of power users needing to flip override switches all the time.

Very well put.

The world needs locked-down can’t-cut-your-fingers-off-no-matter-what-you-do platforms like the iPad. And Apple sells significantly more iPad units than Macs. But any Mac user who isn’t sufficiently served by the anti-malware/scamware protections already in MacOS shouldn’t be using a Mac at all. They should be using iPads, or something else similarly locked-down, instead.

Also sharing this in relation to my ongoing quest to convince people that Macs with touch support should exist. There is absolutely no reason that touch input should be exclusive to the more locked-down platform in Apple’s arsenal. I have RSI (repetitive strain injury) issues that crop up when using a keyboard and mouse, but using a touch screen does not cause the same strains on my arms and hands. If you’re saying it’s actually impossible for touch to be done well on macOS, then I would say that’s an accessibility failure of the platform, not a strong excuse for it not to exist.