🎥 Some great YouTube videos (again)
How about another dose of fun YouTube videos?
I really adore Wallace & Gromit, and this looks like a delight
Hank Green doing 30 minutes on new communication mediums and populist movements over the centuries (it sounds dry, but it's great, I swear)
The return of The Lonely Island is a bright spot in 2024, and this one is a banger
Gambling drives me crazy, and Drew Gooden hits it out of the park with this look at online gambling, which has exploded in the past decade
A fascinating look at the story behind Rope, a really fantastic Hitchcock film from 1948
Daryl Talks Games walks through a healthier way to deal with your gaming backlog
Tiago is my favorite Lego YouTuber, and if you wanted to know what some of the best Lego sets release this year were, this is the video to watch