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Television Time Giveaway! (UPDATE: all gone)

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

UPDATE: All promo codes have been claimed. Thank you everyone who responded and I hope you are enjoying the app!

Television Time is an excellent iOS app for tracking your favorite TV shows so that you never miss an episode. It's a great app whether you watch 3 or 30 shows regularly.

I personally love the app's beautiful UI and calendar integration. You can read all about both features in my review of the app from last month. The Sweet Setup also has a great writeup on the app if you need more convincing. The highest praise I can give the app is that it's the only television tracking app I have stuck with for more than a few weeks. It is a really great tool.

That's why I'm happy to be able to give away a number of free copies of Television Time today! I don't have a ton of codes to give out, so it will be first come, first serve. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Follow Television Time on Twitter
  2. Follow @mattbirchler on Twitter
  3. Direct message me on Twitter asking for one (nicely 😀) and I'll respond with a code

That's it! Nothing too fancy, I just want to get you guys a really cool app.

P.S. If you miss out on the promo codes, you can always buy the app from the App Store for just $2.99.