
The Vision Pro needs more promoters

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 2 min read

There's a practice very common in software companies of collecting your "net promoter score." This practice is pretty simple, you ask your users how likely they would be to recommend your product to someone else. They give you a score from zero to ten where zero is no way you would recommend it and ten is a slam dunk recommendation, and your net promoter score (NPS) is a calculation of how many more promoters (9 and 10 responses) you have than detractors (6 or lower responses).

Net Promoter Score calculation formula
Source: Retently

With a disclaimer that I have not actually performed these surveys on Vision Pro owners, I do get the feeling that there aren't enough 9s and 10s out there for this product. I don't think most people would give it a zero, but I bet a lot of people would answer somewhere in the 4-6 range. Some may go even lower than that if they consider the price of the product.

But let's radically change the price and see what that does. My fellow Vision Pro owners, let's pretend the current headset cost $999 and was the same in every single other way. Now would you recommend it to a friend or family member? My prediction based on what I've seen out there is that this would marginally raise people's scores, but it's not going to rocket them up to a 10.

Ideally, we'd have Vision Pro owners constantly gushing about the product and sharing the new and interesting things they can do with it that they weren't able to do before. They should be broken up that most people can't afford it because they wish more people could experience what they're experiencing. I’m not saying those people aren’t out there, I’m just saying it doesn’t feel like they’re the majority.

This of course comes on the heels of rumors of a cheaper, less capable model coming next year. The best thing that could happen for that device would be a small army of early adopters who can’t shut up about how much they love and are using their $3,500 Vision Pro today and how they can’t wait for you to have one too. Again, there are some of those people out there, but nothing I’ve seen anecdotally indicates that’s typical, though.

Time will tell.