
Ulysses Updated with WordPress and Dropbox Support

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Ulysses is my text editor of choice, and it just got a whole lot better this week with its latest update. I've been testing this for a few months and can tell you with confidence that this is a wonderful update that will make the app useful to a lot more people.

The first major addition is support for WordPress publishing. As someone with a WordPress site, this is perfect, as it has simplified my workflow when publishing, which is currently copying my post as markdown, switching to Safari, opening my WordPress admin, and pasting my article in a new post. Now I can just choose "share to WordPress" in Ulysses, assign my tags, excerpts, and post schedule from within Ulysses' interface. In addition, you have the option for Ulysses to post the article as HTML (the default) or markdown to your blog, a setting I'm so happy they added.

The second major addition is support for Dropbox syncing for your documents. I got a little push back in my old review that I didn't criticize the app more for not supporting generic files synced over Dropbox and instead basically required you to live in an all Ulysses world if you were going to sync across devices. If you had that complaint before, you can rest easy because Ulysses now lets you choose a Dropbox folder to sync. You can use Ulysses on your iPad and then pick up writing in Atom on your Mac if you would like. Sync is still fast and reliable, and felt basically the same as the iCloud sync I use day in and day out.

There are a few other additions to the app such as typewriter mode, better accessibility features, the ability to paste images from your clipboard into documents, better search, and a bunch of tiny enhancements.

This is a free update to everyone who owns Ulysses already on iOS and macOS, so go update right now to get these new features. Everyone else can buy the app for iOS or macOS.