Use AppleScript to make Markdown Links

Markdown Link from Safari is an easy to use and incredibly obviously-named script you can run on your Mac to quickly generate a linked-list post to your clipboard so you can get to writing. Here's what the result will look like:
[{ title }]({ url })
>{ selection }
Nothing too fancy, but it's amazing if you can trigger it to run with a keyboard shortcut or some other voodoo on your Mac (if you're interested in a tool like this, you probably have tricks).
You can download the AppleScript and do with it what you will, and I've also created an Alfred action you can install to execute it from the wonderfulness that is Alfred.
NOTE: This script only works with Safari. Google Chrome does not support AppleScript, so I wasn't able to make this browser-agnostic. If there is a trick, I'd love to hear it!