What I Like About the New Safari
What I Like About the New Safari

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I've written my fair share about what I don't like about the version of Safari releasing this fall, so today I wanted to mention the things I actually do like about it.
- The new tab gesture on the iPhone is nice. It does make we wish it worked from any tab and not just the last one, but still, it's nice when it works as expected.
- Swiping between tabs on the iPhone is good too. I usually have no more than a few tabs open, and swiping my finger across the bottom of the page is nicer than bringing up the tab switcher.
- When I do have to open the tab switcher, it is nice that I can swipe up from the bottom bar to get there.
- I like that sharing takes the same number of taps as before, which is more an improvement over beta 1 from June than the last version of Safari, but I'm still counting it as a win.
- The tab view on the iPhone looks very nice.
Now as you can probably tell from my cheeky header image, I'm still not sold on this being an overall improvement, but I did think it was high time I said something nice about it because there are good things to be found, even if I get a sweet sense of comfort whenever I go back to the current version (adding that if you know me, I'm hooked on the latest and greatest, so this is not just me being more comfortable with what I know…I love change!).