
Why is anyone talking about Meta’s Orion glasses?

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Good lord am I seeing a lot people talking about Meta’s new prototype hardware, Orion. Are people losing their minds? Why is this anything of note? Why even comment on this thing at all? It certainly hasn’t caught my attention. No sir, I’m a technology fan who only cares about technology I can buy in a store today. If I see an article about a scientific breakthrough, I just close the tab right away. Why get excited about something I can’t get shipped to my house with same-day shipping?

Like seriously, why are we talking about this thing, I don’t get it! Some people are saying these glasses show a more compelling vision of the future of augmented reality than the Apple Vision Pro. Have you not considered the compelling feature of being able to go to my local Apple Store and get one today?

Also can we talk about how big and bulky these are and that they require an external brick to function? I mean, the Vision Pro has these same issues, and are even bulkier and has a wired required accessory, but come on, I know thick glasses are in now, but THAT THICK?

But seriously, why are people spilling so much ink about these things? I really don’t care about it at all and I won’t be adding to the noise out there about it.

Here are links to my 3 other posts about this in the past 48 hours.


Out of paranoia, just clearing up that you don’t have to love Orion, but I think it’s totally reasonable for people to get excited by seeing a glimpse of the future. If it really wasn’t interesting, we wouldn’t be commenting on it in the first place.

Also if you think this post is about anyone in particular, it’s not meant to be, I only wrote this after seeing all of these opinions from a shocking number of people over the week.