
X does that thing again, but it’s totally chill this time

Posted by Matt Birchler
— 1 min read

Elizabeth Lopatto writing for The Verge: X blocks links to hacked JD Vance dossier

X is preventing users from posting links to a newsletter containing a hacked document that’s alleged to be the Trump campaign’s research into vice presidential candidate JD Vance. The journalist who wrote the newsletter, Ken Klippenstein, has been suspended from the platform. Searches for posts containing a link to the newsletter turn up nothing.

This is literally exactly what Twitter did in 2020 when they briefly blocked posting a link to a piece about Hunter Biden, and got conservatives like Elon Musk to be up in arms about censorship. Something tells me conservative media won’t be up in arms about this one.

For the record, X is a private social network that sets its own moderation rules. It can totally do this if it wants. I just have the right to laugh from the sidelines and use other products ✌️