Lee Peterson: Sometimes It Takes Just One Random Post to Grow Your Blog

This was completely random and it shows that sometimes you don’t need some sort of plan, just write what comes to mind and that you want to share. You’ll get found and readers will come your way.

You really do never know what’s going to connect. I wrote this post in 2018, and it has been the second most viewed post on this blog in 2024.

Seriously, this dumb post about turning your screen black and white accounts for 7% of all hits I get here!

I’d also be careful not to get “views” twisted with “readership”. The vast majority of people who find that page are coming from Google and they never read anything else after that. Meanwhile, building up a body of work that I can be proud of and that is interesting to others, while also participating in a positive way in the online community I’m a part of, have both gone further to grow whatever reach and influence I have today. This post itself will likely do very small numbers compared to some other posts, but it’s another brick in the wall, and those bricks add up over time.