A collection of 60 posts
🕹️ I strongly recommend: Resident Evil 2 (members post)
Oh buddy, what a game!
First look at my next big thing (members post)
I've been working on something new, but it's not ready for prime time.
đź“• I mildly recommend: Life as No One Knows It (members post)
A new book explaining assembly theory, a new way of thinking about the question of "what is life?"
🕹️ I strongly recommend Portal: Revolution (members post)
In this new series, I’ll be reviewing the media I experience (I don’t like saying I “consume” media) in more detail than I normally do. Don’t worry, the movie reviews are staying free and on social media ✌️
A quick, incomplete thought about Squid Game 2
This one thing about Squid Game really sticks in my craw…
2025: The year of fitness (members post)
2025 is upon us and my goals for the new year are very clear: I need to get my fitness in order. Here's the plan…
The future simply has more computers (members post)
Glasses and headsets and computers, oh my! Why the future continues to be all about adding computers to our lives, not replacing anything.
When do the Trump flags come down? (members post)
The flags are still flying, celebrating the man, not the country. Why is this something that happens now, and why is it something only happening on one end of the political spectrum?
How Flight Simulator helped my flying anxiety (members post)
It turns out video games really can impact how you view the world.
Everything is a reaction, nothing is forever, and everything comes back (members post)
Why nothing stays popular forever.
Digital Foundry helped me learn why some games felt “wrong” (members post)
In which I try to explain why I find Digital Foundry so compelling in a way Apple fans might appreciate.
Accessibility is for everyone (members post)
The world isn’t static, and you never know when your needs are going to change. When they do, the software you use to live your life should adapt to you, not the other way around.
Why Mac gaming has such a hard time getting off the ground (members post)
A hard look at the numbers and why it seems like such a challenge to change the narrative about gaming on Macs.
Call of Duty and "the average user" (members post)
What does Call of Duty's massive success (and horrendous user interface) mean about the importance of design?