My movies tier list for 2024 (members post)
Today I'm attempting the impossible: 71 movie tiers handed out in half an hour. Can it be done?! Well, I did it already, so yes, but it was a lot of fun along the way.
A collection of 64 posts
Today I'm attempting the impossible: 71 movie tiers handed out in half an hour. Can it be done?! Well, I did it already, so yes, but it was a lot of fun along the way.
A few high-profile app updates have recently gone down like a lead balloon. I have a lot of sympathy for the developers involved, and today I wanted to explain what I think happened with Overcast specifically.
What makes a product last forever? What tech products do you own that you'll never have to replace?
This one is members-only largely because I don't want it to get too much reach, but it's a true story of how I did great work as a seasoned pro and some folks assumed I had to have used AI features to shortcut my way to the finish line. I'm happy to say it was all me.
A few weeks ago I blew up my read-later workflow to see if I was actually using the right tool for the job. This week I’m back with a status report on where I’ve landed.
Why I think years and years of social networks downranking posts with links in them has done real damage to the open web.
Taking a page from the ATP crew, I did a tier list for fun! We'll see how this one goes, but I think it's a lot of fun and will make people go "yes!" and "this guy is nuts!" in equal measure.
I'm experimenting with a brand-new app for saving things to read later. I don't know if it's going to stick, but today we're going to see if the grass is actually greener on the other side.
It seems like such a simple question, and I thought I had an answer, but I wasn't even close. Today we dive down the rabbit hole and try to get to an answer.
Why does it feel like Pixar movies aren't as significant as they used to feel? Is Pixar just making bad movies, or is something else to blame?
Why the hell do I do this to myself every year?!
Behind the scenes of how we got to the debut of Comfort Zone!
We all have a finite amount of resources to move around, and today I'm exploring how I can make decisions that subtly shift what type of businesses and hobbyists I want to support. Oh, and time is a cruel, unflinching monster.
Today I explore why I'm frustrated with the opinions of others, and why I need to remind myself that there's gray area basically everywhere in the world.
The more I think about it, the more I’m squarely in the camp of people who want iPad-like hardware that runs macOS, and I’m not sorry for saying it.